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Dr. Olga Ferrer-Roca MD, PhD Born in Barcelona, Catalonia. Spain. Studied Medicine in the University of Barcelona 1967-1972., with Summa Cum Lauda and first awarded. She is Specialised in Pathology in 1973. Trained in Orthopaedic pathology in the Lariboisiere Hospital in Paris , in Endocrine Pathology in St. Thomas Hospital in London , in General Pathology in St. Lukes Hospital in Milwaukee USA, in Lymph Node pathology in Univ. Kiel. Germany, in Lung Pathology in St. Bartholomew Hospital London. PhD in Medicine, Summa Cum Lauda in 1975 with the Thesis : "Tumor-cariotype correlation", started in 1970 with massive tumour tissue culture and cariotyping. Started computer science applied to Pathology in 1976 developing the Texcan Software of image analysis including densitometry, and highly specialised visual textural analysis. In the field of Telemedicine since 1982, took the Chair of Pathology in the University of La Laguna in 1982. First to do distant telematic DNA quantitation in 1989. Teaching Pathology and new technologies in the Faculty of Medicine ; teaching Telemedicine in the Faculties of Medicine and the Computer Science engineer school since 1995 . Leader of the CATAI Commett/Leonardo projects in Telemedicine; in 1992 founded the CATAI non-profit making association for the promotion of the Information Society. Email : catai@redkbs.com |
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Marcelo Sosa-Iudicissa, MD Medical Doctor, University of Zaragoza, Spain; Residency Training in General and Family Medicine; postgraduate studies in Public Health; Preventive and Social Medicine; Ocuppational Health; Pharmaceuticals; Business Administration; Information Technology Management. Responsible for the Scientific and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) office in Brussels, European Parliament. Previously, Director of the National Library of Health Sciences (Spain); Scientific Officer, European Commission, Telematics Applications programme; Principal Investigator, health information systems, National School of Public Health (Madrid); Responsible, information systems development, including data processing and library automation, Spanish National Institute of Health; Civil Servant (with tenure), National Epidemiology Centre (Spain); Lecturer, Health Information and Documentation, Complutense University, Madrid; Public Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. Has collaborated with the World Health Organisation and the International Telecommunications Union. Has published several professional and scientific papers and seven books, the most recent being "Internet, Telematics and Health" (ISBN 90 5199 289 0). Email: MSosa@EuroParl.EU.Int |
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Francois Allaert, MD, PhD Medical Doctor, Lawyer specialised in computer and European Law, Ph D in Bio informatics. Medical University of Dijon, France. Director of a Centre for Drugs and Medical Devices Evaluation (CEN BIOTECH) and of the French Agency for Healthcare Data Protection (APSIS). Lecturer at Medical University of Dijon and Nancy (France) and senior lecturer at the Public Health School of Liege (Belgium).Author of more than 200 hundred national and international paper and two books dedicated to Computer Law in Medicine. Chairman of the working group "Data Security" of the European Medical Informatics Association. Convenor of the CAN TC 251/WGIII "Healthcare data Security and Software quality" depending from the European Union. Associated member of European Telematics projects : MEDSEC, TRUSTHEALTH, and ISHTAR. |
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Della Mea, PhD Born in Como, Italy. In 1992 graduated in Computer Science at the University of Udine. Since then is working in the field of image analysis, telemedicine and Internet in Medicine in the department of Pathology at the University of Udine . In 1998 finished the PhD in Morphometry at the University of Sienna with the thesis "Models and Methods for Telepathology". Main research interests: biomedical image processing, hypermedia, and telemedicine, with particular attention to applications of Internet protocols to telepathology. |
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Kastania Born in Athens, Greece . She is a Research Scientist in the Department of Clinical Therapeutics, Medical School, National University of Athens & also in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Athens Technical Institution and works in the Department of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics & Business. She received her B.Sc. in Mathematics in 1987 and Ph.D. degree in Medical Informatics in 1993 from the National University of Athens. Her chief research interests are multichannel biosignal modeling, pattern recognition and biosignal classification and interpretation. Other interests are Medical Education and research in the field of computer assisted methods for teletraining and distance learning. As a member of the CATAI Consortium she studies and teaches the planning, design and delivery of telemedicine educational services. |
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Markidou, MD Born in Athens is a Medical doctor ( 1971 ) and PhD ( 1975 ) by the University of Athens. Specialised in Cytology, 1977; in Pathology 1983 with special training in Image Analysis in the University of Chicago 1984. Director de the Diagnostic Cytology Lab. at the Anticancer Oncology Hospital of Athens "St. Savas" since 1986, and Assistant Professor in Pathology at Athens University since 1988. Working in the field of Telemedicine, image analysis and Telecytology since 1992, have been actively participating in the European projects related with Telemedicine in the DGXIII ( Aims , Telematics ) and DG XII ( Leonardo ) |
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Mairinger MD Born in Braunau, Austria . Medical Doctor by the University in Innsbruck, Austria, graduated with the thesis :"Epidatei computerised management of an adult seizure clinic" in 1989. Specialised at the Dpt. of Pathology of the University of Innsbruck, finished training in 1996. Since 1996 senior staff pathologists at this department. Main scientific interests: Telepathology, especially questions of acceptance and implementation; Image analysis (DNA-Cytometry, Morphometry, Texture) with special respects to DNA-Cytometry on thin histology sections. Member of the Austrian Society of Pathology (Treasurer), IAP German Division. |
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Pedersen, MD Born in Tromsø .Norway. Medical doctor by the University of Oslo , specialised in Otorhinolaryngology in 1986 . Founded the Department of Telemedicine at the University Hospital of Tromsø, Norway in 1992. The department is involved in several telemedicine projects and routine services within pathology, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, psychiatry, in the geriatric field, radiology, distant teaching, cardiology and neurology. He founded the International Conferences on Medical Aspects of Telemedicine (1993) . He is member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Telemedicine and The Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. He is the President of The International Society for Telemedicine. |
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Ruggiero, Bing, PhD Born in Italy . Received the Laurea from Genoa University, the Ph.D. degree from London University (Imperial College) and the D.I.C. from Imperial College. Form 1983 she had a chair as associate professor of bioengineering at Genoa University. Her main research interests include the study of biological systems by data signal and image analysis, by modelling, and experimental techniques; medical informatics, with special reference to knowledge based systems; and cellular and molecular engineering. Her work on biological systems relates to the motor control of muscle, to respiration and to the cardiovascular system, with special reference to biomedical signal and image analysis and computer modelling. As refers to medical informatics she has been working on medical knowledge based systems with special reference to oncology, on telemedicine and on home care technology. As refers to cellular and molecular engineering, her research activity mainly relates to hemocompatibility of biosensors and prosthesis and protein structure determination. She has also been working on bacteriology and virology, with special reference to classification methods based on artificial neural networks. |
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Sousa Pereira Ing, PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering (EE) at the Engineering School of the University of Porto (1977) Ph.D.at the University of Aveiro (1987). In the University of Aveiro, since 1978 as Associate Professor of Image Processing at the Depart. of Electronics and Telecommunications where he is Scientific co-ordinator. Researcher of INESC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores. Responsible by the involvement of INESC in several R&D national and European projects in the area of telematics applied to health care such as: ITHACA, EPIC, HOSPITAL 2000, ISCAMI, MOMS; Leader of the group responsible by the product INTERACT, a tool for teleradiology; more than 10 publications in scientific journals; supervisor of several Ph.D. students in the area of Medical Imaging. Member of the Working Party of the Programme TELEMATICS - Healthcare, of the CEC DG XIII; Director of INESC-Aveiro since November 1997; Director of the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Centre from 1987 to 1992. |
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Strobl Born in Innsbruck Austria . Studied economics at the Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck. She received her B.SC. in social and economic sciences in 1996. Her thesis was a "Strategic Analysis of the Implementation of a Burn Centre at the Plastic Surgery Department of the University Clinic in Innsbruck". Presently she is in the clinical period of Medical School in Innsbruck. She specialises in economic research in health care with focus on telemedicine. She is now working at the Institute of Biostatistics and Documentation in Innsbruck working in a project managing a Health Information Network. |
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Wootton, MD Born in London . Career scientist with the Medical Research Council at the Clinical Research Centre in London for 15 years. Then professor of Medical Physics at the Hammersmith Hospital and Royal Postgraduate Medical School for 7 years. In 1995 established the Institute of Telemedicine and Telecare at Queen´s University in Belfast . The institute is the only academic organisation in the UK dedicated to research and teaching in telemedicine. Currently it has a number of research trials in progress including the international Multicentre teledermatology trial. He is the founder editor of the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare , published by the Royal Society of Medicine. |
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS : The authors want to thank the numerous experts, colleagues, and friends that contributed gathering and assembling the Body of Knowledge of Telemedicine, as presented in the book. Some of them have granted us valuable input during the three-year duration of the Leonardo project, even if for one reason or another they do not appear as authors in the chapters.
In particular, we want to thank the supporting team of the Catai Consortium at the co-ordination site integrated by: Esther Gómez Ruiz, Raides J. Rodríguez Domínguez, Maritza Estévez González, Isaac R. Hernández Rodríguez, Francis Le Roy Lienard, Jose Luis Fernández, Seguismundo Cárdenes, Guillermo Núñez Perez , Juan Antonio Pérez Gómez. We are also obliged to the contributors and participants to the regular Catai Winter and Summer courses (http://www.redkbs.com/Catai).
Finally, we have to especially thank the many friends and colleagues that encouraged us to undertake the challenge of introducing Telemedicine in spite of the numerous difficulties encountered.
The authors. Tenerife, June 1998