V European Telemedicine School
17th September -19th September, 2001
Department of Informatics.Athens University of Economics & Busisness
in co-operation with the UNESCO
Chair of Telemedicine of the University of La Laguna, Canary
Islands, Spain
Course recognized by ESACP (European Society
of Analythical Cellular Pathology)
32 teaching hours.
Monday, 17th September 2001
9.00-14.00 h | Welcome to the Course. Mr. M. Fakkos, Mayor of Kos Town. Prof. Dr. E. Hadjiyiannakis, President of the International Hippocratic Foundation of Kos and Prof. J. Cavouras, Head of the Department of Informatics, Athens Univ. of Economics & Bussines. PIC-NIC IST Project. M. Bruun-Rasmunsen,, Danish Centre of Health Telematics. PROPACTITION LEONARDO DA VINCI Project. Dr. S. Vari, Cedars-Sinai Health System, Los Angeles, CA, USA. The TelenurseID ENTITY Project and Healthcare Classifications. Prof. I. Moisil, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania Telemedicine en Greece. Prof. D. Sotiriou, University of Athens, Greece APOLLO ODL LEONRDO DA VINCI Project, Dr. A. Kastania, Athens Univ. of Economics & Bussines, Greece |
16.00-18.00 h | Telemedicine best-practice. Prof. O. Ferrer-Roca, Univ. La Laguna. Spain. HERMES project. Prof. D. Sotiriou, University of Athens. Greece. NIGHTGALE Project. Dr.Marianna Diomidous, University of Athens.EPIRUS -NET. Prof. Dr. Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Dora Nanou and Fotis Vartziotis, Medical Technology & Software Development Unit , Department of Computer Science, The University of Ioannima. Greece. *Monday after the sessions: 18-21h, KOD testing of the instructors |
Tuesday, 18th September 2001
09.00-12.00 h | HYGEIAnet: An Integrated Regional Health Telematics Network. Prof. Stelios Orphanoudakis, Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Dr. Manolis Tsiknakis and Ing. Erich Leisch, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete. Hungarian Telepathology Consultation Network (BePrO project "Enabling Best Practices in Oncology" IST 25252). Dr. S. Vari, Cedars-Sinai Health System, Los Angeles, CA, USA & Varimed HUNGARY PAEDITOP Leonardo Project (Tele-pedriatrics). Dr. L. Csaky, Hungary. Tele-Pathology. Prof. Dr. Th. Mairinger. Innsbruck University. Austria. |
14.00-18.00 h |
Wireless communications in Telemedicine. Prof. Dr. V. Della Mea, University of Udine. Teletraining for Health Care. Dr. I. A. Apostolakis, National School of Economics & Business, Greece, Ilias Sachpazidis, Department Cognitive Computing & Medical Imaging, Fraunhofer IGD. *Tuesday after Illias Sachpazidis presentation: KOD testing with the students. |
Wednesday, 19th September 2001
09.00-12.00 h | Phone-medicine, including medicine on the air. Prof. Dr. O. Ferrer - Roca, Univ. La Laguna. Spain. Speciality Services via Telemedicine. Mr. B. Kling, Associate Dean for External Affairs and Telemedicine, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA. The Role and Iniciatives in Telemedicine. Mrs. Vas. Daneli-Milonas, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization OTE. |
14.00-18.00 h |
Citizen Home Care. Prof. Dr. N. Maglaveras, Aristotle University of Thesaloniki. Greece. E- learning via reusable, shareable and interoperable learning objects: a new frontier for continuous medical education. Kod Consortium, Information Telematic Institute, Thessalonica. Greece. |
Workshop devices available for practice.
LEONARDO DA VINCI ODL Apollo Client/server (action of Application and Diffusion of Innovation). KOD prototype and packeger in telemedicine tele training. Real video/real audio. |
Tentative organization: Official Language will be English.
Registration: 180 Euros. Members of CATAI Asociation 50 % discount.
FOUNDATION OF KOS. Island of Kos. Greece HOTEL: CARAVIA BEACH Hotel, Marmari PO BOX 28 853 00, KOS Island Greece, Tel:+30-24241291-94; Fax: +30-242 41215; e-mail: COLABORATIONS: EXAPOLIS Conferencce Organizer, Mr. Gampierakis, Tel: +30-242 48610, Fax:+30-242-48611. |
The IX Summer Course of the CATAI has successfuly finalized. We would like to thank to all the assistants for their participation and colaboration. Specially thanks to Dra. Anastasia Kastania for her grand effort and well development of the course. As an special issue, to comment that this course was held in the place of birth of the Medicine, the Island of Hippocrates, and where the ruins of the Asklepeios stand, the first Hospital and School of Medicine in the world wich dates from 300 B.C.
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Dra. Anastasia Kastania. AUEB-Athens University of Economics and Bussiness. |
In the ancient Plane-Tree of Hippocrates: Sebi Kastania, Sandor Vari, Morten Bruun-Rrasmusen, Ana López, J.Cavouras,Ioana Moisil, Olga Ferrer,Anastasia Kastania,Vassiliki Milonas and husband, George Kanellopoulos y Stravoula Agori. |
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Last edited: 28 septiembre, 2001