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Telemedicine A Better Connection to Health Care
What is "Telemedicine?"
"Move the information, not the patient" is one of the basic principles of
telemedicine. As defined by the American Telemedicine Association,
telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to
another via electronic communications for the health and education of the patient
or health care provider and for the purpose of improving patient care.
Why do we need "Telemedicine?"
Telemedicine technology has a huge potential to help solve distance related
problems faced by health care systems around the world: Not all health care
services can be provided everywhere. Patients in need of care or advice need
to travel. It could be much more convenient, less expensive, less time
consuming and, in emergency situations, far less risky if health care services
could be provided at the point of need, including the home of the patient
Telemedicine can keep health care local by pursuing these major goals:
ˇ to make quality health care available to patients who dont have, for whatever reasons, local
access to these services and
ˇ to improve quality of care by integrating electronic communication into the existing
structures of health care
ˇ to benefit patients with chronic diseases by improving control and
management of their conditions from their home.
Telemedicine is not intended to substitute a personal patient-physician
relationship. It rather offers alternatives to deal with the increasing demand
for health care services, to balance regional maldistribution of qualified
medical services and keeps health care local.
Why should you care?
Telemedicine still is a young discipline, but, no matter what you do, it will impact your life as a
health care professional. Just like fax, email and the Internet caused a substantial change in the
communication in general, telemedicine will revolutionize health care communication. The
technology available now allows for a wide spectrum of capabilities already today. Still, we just
begin to explode the technology to find out how telemedicine could be even
more beneficial to our patients. There is a huge potential and exciting challenges
are coming up.
The purpose of the international Asklepios collaboration of six American
and European medical schools is to assist clinicians of the future and
universities of the present to get prepared for telemedicine/telecare.
Feel free to contact any of the participating medical schools or the project directors for
further information.
Prof. Dr. E. Andrew Balas Dr. Michael Nerlich
Well distinghished Professor and Director Klinikum der Universität der Regensburg
Center and Center for Health Care quality Department of Trauma / Surgery
University of Missouri - Columbia Franz-Josef-StrauB-Allee 11
314, Clark Hall D-93042 Regensburg
Columbia, MO 65211, USA Germany
Tel: +573 882 8416 Tel: +49 941 944 6805
Fax: +573 884 0474 Fax: +49 941 944 6806
Prof. Spyros G. Condos, M. D. Prof. Dr. Nicos Maglaveras
Yale University School of Medicine Aristotle University
Department of Surgery Thessaloniki
207 FMB, 330 Cedar Street Laboratory of Medical Physics
New Haven, CT 06510 The Medical School
Connecticut BOX 323 GR 54006 Thessaloniki
USA Macedonia Grecia
Tel: (203) 785 2594 / 2549 Tel: +30 31 999 281
Fax: (203) 737 1488 Fax: +30 31 999 263
Celia Maxwell, M. D., F.A.C.P. Prof. Dra. Olga Ferrer-Roca
Howard University UNESCO chair of Telemedice.
School of Medicine Chair of Pathology
Assistant of Vice President for Health Affairs and President of the CATAI
Director Women's Health Initiative La Laguna University
2041 Georgia Avenue NW Medicine Faculty
Suite 6000 La Laguna, Tenerife
Washington D.C. 20060 CP:38071
District of Columbia, USA Canary Islands, Spain
Tel: (202) 865 4802 / 7470 Tel: +34 922 31 93 21
Fax: (202) 865 3291 Fax: +34 922 64 18 55
Important: The students should enclose to this certificate a report with the activities done in the rotary including: patient's number visit, surgeries, etc. |
(C)CATAI's Webmaster 1997-2000
Last edited: 08 agosto, 2001